ICRL attending CHI ’18

Prof.  Jessie Yang is attending the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing System (CHI ’18) in Montreal, Canada April 21-26, 2018.

Prof. Yang will present her position paper “Human Autonomous Vehicles Interactions: An Interdisciplinary Approach” at the “Interacting with autonomous vehicles” workshop.


ICRL attending HRI ’18

Three members of ICRL — Shihan Lu, Meng Yuan Zhang, and Na Du, Shihan Lu — are attending the ACM/IEEE international conference on human-robot interaction (HRI ’18) in Chicago March 5-8, 2018.

Shihan and Meng will be presenting their poster titled “Effects of a Delay Compensation Aid on Teleoperation of Unmanned Ground Vehicles” and Na du will be presenting her poster titled “Explanations and Expectations: Trust Building in Automated Vehicles”.

ICRL attending and presenting at HFES ‘2017

Four members of ICRL — Meng Yuan Zhang, Na Du, Shihan Lu and Qianning Zhang — are attending the Human Factors and Ergonomics Annual Meeting (HFES) 2017 in Austin this week.

Meng Yuan Zhang will be presenting her paper titled “Evaluating effects of workload on automation trust and dependence and task performance” on Thursday, October 12, 2:00–3:30 p.m.

Research on functional GI clustering

A recent article co-authored by Prof. Yang identifies latent symptom clusters in Asian patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs). The study shows that the broad categorization used both in clinical practice and in the Rome system are still valid in the Asian societies. In addition,  a bowel symptom cluster with meal trigger and a gas cluster was found, which suggests a different emphasis in Asian populations.