FAQ for Current Students at U-M
- I am a graduate student at U-M. Can I explore the possibility of joining your lab?
Yes. We typically send recruitment emails at the beginning of the semester if there are openings for MS students. Research opportunities are available for credit (IOE/ROB/SI 590 Independent Study) or as paid hourly positions. In rare cases, exceptionally strong MS students may be considered for full-time GSRA support.
- I am an undergraduate student at U-M. Are there opportunities to participate in your research?
Yes. We normally take 1 or 2 undergraduate students every year through the undergraduate research (SURE) program. Please apply here.
FAQ for Prospective Students
- I am applying to the IOE/Robotics PhD program. Do you have PhD positions?
Yes, typically we admit 1-2 of the most promising students annually. We are looking for strong, motivated PhD students from engineering disciplines (Industrial Engineering / Electrical Engineering & Computer Science / Mechanical Engineering / Civil Engineering / etc.) and psychology (engineering psychology / cognitive psychology / organizational psychology / etc.); If you are interested, we encourage you to apply to the IOE PhD program and the Robotics PhD program. In particular, we recommend you mention Prof. Yang in your statement.
- I am applying to the School of Information PhD program. Can I join your lab?
We primarily admit students through the IOE or the Robotics PhD program and occasionally from the SI PhD program. If you are ONLY interested in SI, please drop Prof. Yang an email and enquire about her admission plan.
- Do you have postdoc positions?
No, we have no postdoc positions currently.